
The Coloproctology Unit of HUMT presents the seuknowhow about "TaTME" surgery

Total mesorectal excision by transanal route (TaTME) is a minimally invasive surgical intervention in colorectal cancer with which the Coloproctology Unit of HUMT has been working for some time.

As a result of his knowledge and experience, in mid-April three professionals from this Unit went to the University Hospital Complex of Ourense with the aim of performing a live TaTME surgery within the framework of the VIII Coloproctologic Surgery Day organized by ServizoGalego of SAUDE. Dr. Salva Delgado, head of the General Surgery Department of HUMT and Dr. Juan Romero and Dr. Carlos Maristany, doctors of the Unit in question, attended.

At the end of April, said Unit held the third edition of the TaTME Surgery course, a training modality that enables several surgeons from different centers of the state to train in this technique in a close and first-hand manner. In this case, 4 surgeons from the Canary Islands attended and it was taught by a dozen professionals from the Unit.

Under the coordination of Dr. Delgado, attendees know the technical aspects of the TaTME technique (in terms of nursing and surgery) and saw an associated clinical case. They also had the opportunity to see two surgeries live from the operating room with two simultaneous teams.

Throughout the session, attendees also learned several "tricks" for performing surgery of these characteristics and could know pros and cons associated with whether the TaTME is the path of choice for the future in the treatment of rectal cancer. Finally, they also witnessed a paper on intraoperative complications of the technique