
Mutua de Terrassa, Social Security Mutuality convening Extraordinary General Assembly of mutualists

With the prior agreement of the Board of Directors, the President of the Entity and in compliance with the provisions of its Statutes, convokes EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY that will take place on November 27, at the San Antonio Street, 39-41, Terrassa, at 6 pm on first call and at 7 pm on second call, to address the following matters:


  • Examination and approval, where appropriate, of the proposed amendment to the Bylaws, in order to incorporate the official website of the entity and to accommodate the temporary limitations of the members of the Board of Directors to the reality current. The proposal includes the modification of articles 4, 24.a), 26.2. and 29.n) of the Bylaws.

  • Delegation of powers for the formalization of the agreements that are adopted.

    Note: Mrs. Mutualistas have the right to examine at the registered office the documentation relating to the modification of the bylaws, from the publication of this call and until the date of the extraordinary General Assembly.

    The attendance form and the proxy document will be attached in this communication or can be requested by phone at 93.736.50.75 and 93.736.50.60.

    Terrassa, October 30, 2018.

    Jordi Parera Martinell