

Beginning date 2008

Involved areas/team

Breastfeeding Committee: Nurses, paediatricians, midwives, gynaecologists. MútuaTerrassa healthcare and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu of Martorell


Reach the objectives set by the WHO, which recommends breastfeeding for the first 6 months of an infant’s life, and help establish and maintain breastfeeding for the first two years.

Global Compact beginning

1 - Promote health and healthy living habits among children.

The initiative

  • Justification

    Scientific evidence proves the short and long term health benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and infants.

  • Description

    Create a space, with the help of two professionals, where mothers can come for support and strength on a weekly basis for two hours in order to address the immediate problems related to breastfeeding, and offer individualised service, if necessary.

  • Goals

    • Avoid premature weaning of infants < 6m.
    • Promote exclusive breastfeeding for the 6 first months of life.
    • Promote continued breastfeeding of infant until 2 years of age.
    • Offer professional support for problems with starting and continuing breastfeeding.
    • Promote peer groups where stories from other mothers can empower women to continue breastfeeding.
    • Provide answers for questions related to breastfeeding infants and older children.

  • Beneficiary

    Mothers and infants covered by the various primary healthcare centres of MútuaTerrassa and Martorell Hospital.

  • Results

    Years 2010 2014
    n % n %
    Childbirths 988 663
    Exclusive breastfeeding upon discharge 855 86.54% 604 91.10%
    Continued breastfeeding
    Sample 107 107
    Exclusive breastfeeding during 1st month 59 55.14% 89 83,18%
    Mixed feeding 27 25.23% 12 11.21%
    Artificial breastmilk 21 19.63% 6 5.61%