
PhD. Maria Esteve, the chief of the Digestive Service, talks about celiaquia to the program "Els Matins" of TV3

Last Wednesday, May 10, PhD. Maria Esteve, chief of the Digestive Service of the HUMT, participated in the morning magazine "Els matins" of TV3 to contribute their knowledge on celiac disease. The pretext that caused its participation in the program was the presentation - the day before - of the awareness campaign on this chronic pathology initiated by the Associació de Celíacs de Catalunya.

Certainly the gluten-free diet is essential for both celiac and non-celiac people who are sensitive to gluten and who respond to this diet but do not have lesions in the digestive system. But eliminating gluten from the diet of non-celiac people can have some consequences and on this issue is discussed by PhD. Esteve and Ms. Olga Cuesta, president of the Association of Celiacs of Catalonia.

Moderated for presenter Lídia Heredia, they also addressed other aspects of celiac disease, such as cross-contamination that occurs accidentally (with wooden cooking utensils that are porous, with kitchen textiles or with spreads) or the consequences In terms of health that can be traced gluten for patients affected by this pathology such as anemia, osteoporosis, infertility or lymphomas.