
Education and professional development

Development areas

  • Educational programmes

    Educational programmes

    The Salut University Campus of MútuaTerrassa is our company’s setting for knowledge, education and research. The Salut Campus relies on the MútuaTerrassa University Hospital which is affiliated with the University of Barcelona.

  • University agreements

    University agreements

    We strive to offer the best conditions to the more than 1,400 students in practical training courses who come to our school every year thanks to the collaboration agreements we have with prestigious universities and educational centres.

  • Professional development

    Professional development

    At MútuaTerrassa, we are committed to vocational training, both in terms of technical and professional skills, so that is why we train more than 3,400 workers a year. We impart 50,000 hours of training a year and the satisfaction level of workers is 8.73 out of 10. We believe in our professionals and are committed to their internal promotion by providing them with individual development programmes both in on-site and remote formats.