Past events
13 November 2015
1st Conference on Research in Primary Care and 2nd Conference on Guardians of Residents Receiving Primary Care at MútuaTerrassa
Edifici Docent of MútuaTerrassa. C/Sant Antoni, 39. Terrassa -Organising board: Dr. Montse Llordés, Dr. Teresa Mur, Mr. Juan Antonio Sabio, Dr. Núria Giménez and Dr. Montse Gavagnach
12 November 2015
5th International Workshop on the Treatment of Hepatic and Lung Metastases of Colorectal Carcinoma
Hotel NH Barcelona Constanza. C/ Deu i Mata, 69-99 Barcelona - Scientific eventsWill be held on the 12 and 13 of November 2015.
Oncology and Haematology Service. Unit of Hepato-Biliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Thoracic Surgery Service; MútuaTerrassa University Hospital and MútuaTerrassa Education and Research Foundation. More information at -
11 November 2015
15th Course on Endocrine Surgery
Edifici Docent of MútuaTerrassa. C/Sant Antoni, 39. Terrassa - Scientific eventsWill be held on the 11, 12 and 13 of November 2015.
Organised by the Surgery Department of MútuaTerrassa University Hospital and Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí. -
28 October 2015
Autism Diagnostic Observational Schedule (ADOS-2)
Edifici Docent of MútuaTerrassa. C/Sant Antoni, 39. Terrassa - Scientific eventsWill be held on the 28, 29 and 30 of October 2015.
Organised by Dr. Amaia Hervàs, psychiatrist and coordinator of the Child Psychiatry Department at MútuaTerrassa University Hospital. -
15 October 2015
Living with spasticity. Practical daily experiences
MútuaTerrassa room, Edifici docent MútuaTerrassa, Sant Antoni, 39 Terrassa - Scientific eventsOrganised by the Spasticity Committee of the MútuaTerrassa University Hospital (HUMT)
29 September 2015
Activa’t conference series: Sports safety
MútuaTerrassa room, Edifici docent, carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 Terrassa - Scientific eventsWill be held at 7pm.
Organised by MútuaTerrassa and the Half Marathon Sports Association of Terrassa.