
September 2024


Past events

  • 06 February 2019

    Course ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised)

    Sala MútuaTerrasssa - Edifici docent - Carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    Between February 6 and 8, the teaching building will host a new edition of the training course, research and clinical accreditation on ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised) organized by the Children and Youth Psychiatry Unit of the Mútua Terrassa University Hospital (HUMT) .

    As in the past editions, the direction of this course will be borne by Dr. Amaia Hervás, psychiatrist and coordinator of the Unit. Dr. Hervás is a national and international reference in the formation of these diagnostic tools ADI-R and ADOS2 by the University of London (UK), Newcastle University (UK) and Cornell University New York (USA) .

  • 21 January 2019

    - Scientific events

  • 15 January 2019

    - Scientific events

  • 17 December 2018

    Conference "The Day of the Delivery"

    Sala MútuaTerrassa Edifici Docent - Sant Antoni, 39 - Terrassa - Scientific events

    Next Monday, September 17th, at 17:30, will take place in the MútuaTerrassa room of the Teaching Building, located on Sant Antoni Street, 39 in Terrassa, the session The day of childbirth.

    They are talks about what space is like and what a special day a mother will live when she enters the Delivery Room of the MútuaTerrassa University Hospital. These talks will be in charge of the midwives of MútuaTerrassa.

  • 12 December 2018

    - Scientific events

  • 10 December 2018

    - Scientific events