
Dr. Fernández Bañares collaborates in an article on celiac disease in the newspaper El Mundo

He is the president of the Spanish Society of Celiac Disease and attached to the Digestive System Service of HUMT

On August 9, the newspaper El Mundo published an in-depth article on celiac disease and, in particular, on the latest medical advances that have taken place and ended in the field of gluten intolerance. Among other specialists, Dr. Fernando Fernández Bañares has participated.

In this sense, he explains, among others, that patients are interested in possible drugs that help resolve the issue of celiac disease but recognizes that it is an alternative that will probably take time to arrive and that -in addition- side effects will probably be derived, as it usually happens in most drug treatments. On the other hand, Dr. Fernández Bañares points out, the gluten-free diet is not associated with these effects.

Read the article: La 'pastilla anti-gluten', más cerca