Filiberto project

Filiberto project

Beginning date 2010

Involved areas/team

Healthcare services
Medical and social services


Encourage the labour insertion of mentally disabled people by participating in humanisation activities carried out within the framework of healthcare services.

Global Compact beginning

6- Companies must put a stop to employment discrimination.

The initiative

  • Justification

    People with mental health disorders need to improve their self-esteem and acquire work habits. As for people who are admitted for a certain period of time, a nice gesture always makes them feel good.

  • Description

    A collaboration agreement between various MútuaTerrassa centres and the Triginta Salut Mental nursing home provides for the organisation of an occupational therapy workshop for residents. Within this context, volunteers give gifts to the residents admitted to these centres during the Christmas holidays. With the income obtained, residents can participate in a social integration activity.

  • Goals

    • Establish cross-cutting collaboration links within the company.
    • Humanise healthcare spaces.
    • Improve the self-esteem of people with severe mental disorders.
    • Break the stigma of mental illness.

  • Beneficiary

    Residents of the Triginta Salut Mental nursing home, the volunteers who give gifts and the people admitted during the Christmas holidays.

  • Results

    Number of gifts
    2012 425
    2013 425
    2014 530
    2015 916