
Maite Valverde's work on the nurse specialized in diabetes, recognized by the Spanish Diabetes Society

On April 20, Mrs. Madre Valverde, nurse of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of HUMT, received the award for the best oral communication presented at the Congress of the Spanish Society of Diabetes (SED). He was handed over by the President of the SED, Dr. Anna Novials.

Under the title "Roles of the nurse in diabetes in Catalonia", the objective of the study is to describe the degree of implementation of therapeutic education in diabetes, the level of specific training and the role of nursing professionals involved in primary care and in specialized assistance.

The conclusions of the work were as follows: specialized nursing care professionals assume more roles as clinical nurse specialist, in addition to having more university and continuing education in diabetes and therapeutic education compared to primary care professionals. The study also concluded that in specialized care, work is carried out in greater proportion with Therapeutic Education programs in structured Diabetes with more inclusion of group strategies and evaluation of results, as well as with the use of the telematic route for the follow-up of patients.

The work also showed that both specialized care and primary care would need to promote more structured programs of Therapeutic Education in Diabetes, the specific training of professionals, as well as better coordination between the two levels of care. Finally, the study determined that having more hours of accredited training favors the application of Therapeutic Education programs in Diabetes, even with less infrastructure.