
MútuaTerrassa's working dining room revalidates its AMED accreditation

Last Friday, November 3, the labor cafeteria of the entity received the revalidation of the AMED certification (Mediterranean Food) by Mr. Juan Marcos de Miguel, Head of Public Health Service (Barcelona West) of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Also attended by Mr. Jordi Tarragó, representing the Health Service of the City of Terrassa, Ms. Montse Ibarra, coordinator of Dietetics of MútuaTerrassa and Ms. Ingrid Castro, responsible for ISS in the entity.

AMED is a project led by the Public Health Agency of Catalonia, which has the collaboration of several municipalities, county councils and catering associations and promotes healthy eating by identifying and recognizing establishments that offer Mediterranean food options.

This accreditation improves the food supply and at the same time becomes a hallmark for all those establishments that present a gastronomic offer where the use of olive oil, the abundance of vegetables, legumes, fresh fruit, fish and lean meats are guaranteed, as well as the inclusion of integral products. And the revalidation of last week shows the willingness of the entity to continue offering its workers this quality gastronomic offer.