
Protect yourself from the sun and heat

We provide a series of tips to spend these days of heat and high temperatures:

At home, control the temperature

• Close the blinds where the sun shines directly during the strongest hours of radiation.
• Open the house windows to cool off during the night.
• Stay in the cooler rooms.
• Use some type of air conditioning to cool off and refresh the environment. You can also spend the hottest hours in climate-controlled places (libraries, cinemas, etc.).
• Cool off often with showers.

On the street, avoid direct sun

• Wear a hat or cap.
• Wear light clothing (such as cotton), light colors and not adjusted.
• Try to walk in the shade, be under an umbrella when you are on the beach and rest in cool places.
• Bring water and drink often.
• Wet your face and even your clothes a little.
• In the car, be careful during the sunniest hours and never leave children, frail people or pets with the windows closed.

Limit physical activity during the hottest hours
• Avoid leaving during the midday hours, which is when it is hottest.
• Reduce intense activities.

Keep hydrated well

• Drink water and fruit juices, even if you are not thirsty.
• Do not drink alcoholic beverages.
• Avoid very hot or high-calorie meals.

Help others
Babies and children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases are priority:
• Try to visit them several times a day. Contact frequently.
• Help follow these tips.
• Do not cover the stroller or stroller of children when exposed to the sun.

Source: / en / health-az / c / heat-stroke / heat-stroke / prevention /