
MútuaTerrassa recognized by the Observatori d'Innovació en Gestió de la Salut

The application of the LEAN methodology and the modal analysis of defects and effects in the Ictus Code, the redesign of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Program (ASSIR) and the Chronic Complex Patient Care Program are recognized experiences.

The Observatorio de Innovación en Gestión de la Sanidad (Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya -AquAS-) has recently recognized MútuaTerrassa for a total of three experiences certified in Innovation and Good Practices in Management. It is the application of Lean Management and the Modal Analysis of Failures and Effects in the Ictus Code, the redesign of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Program (ASSIR) and the Chronic Complex Patient Care Program: Chronic Functional Unit and Subacute Unit.

The distinction was granted yesterday at noon by the Hble. Mr. Antoni Comín, Minister of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya, within the framework of the IV Conference of the Observatory of Innovation in Health Management in Catalonia. Dr. Fco. Javier González de Molina, PhD. of the Medical Intensive Care Service of the HUMT, Dr. Francesca Moyà, director of the Technical Office of Processes of the Health Care Area, Ms. Gracia Coll , Supervisor of the Delivery Room / ASSIR and Dr. Jaume Sanahuja, director of the Residencial Sociosanitario Vallparadís.

Improve the quality of care of the Ictus Code through the Lean methodology and the Modal Analysis of Failures and Effects
The HUMT, as the Reference Center for Ictus (CRI), proposed to advance quality improvement through the incorporation of the Lean methodology and this fact has had a very positive impact on the levels of efficiency, efficiency and satisfaction of both Patients as well as professionals. Since the treatment of acute ischemic stroke carries high risks, it was complemented by the Modal Analysis of Failures and Effects and thanks to its application a risk map and an exhaustive study of the potential errors and their causes have been carried out. Has allowed to incorporate corrections that avoid them and provide the maximum security to the patients.

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