
La Pineda Residence and Day Center exposes the artistic creations of its users in the Vapor Universitari

Until last Friday, June 15, about thirty artistic creations developed by the five users of the La Pineda Residence and Day Center were exhibited at the Vapor Universitari de Terrassa with the aim of highlighting the work done - since mid-April - in the framework of the weekly sculpture workshop.

In the course of these two months, they began working the clay and later they also dared with two new materials: coming and painting. The activity is part of the center's therapeutic program and has been guided and supervised by the psycho-pedagogical coordinator and an educational technical assistant.

The evaluation of the sessions has been very positive, both by the management of La Pineda as the Municipal School of Art and Design and therefore, it is expected that for the next course this inclusive activity can be extended to more residents from the center and that starts coinciding with the school year.