Salut al cor

Beginning date 2005
Involved areas/team
5 primary healthcare centres of MútuaTerrassa
Modify people’s behaviours in order to change their habits and reduce the exponential growth of cardiovascular diseases that is currently being recorded by organising group actions in collaboration with patient mentors.
Global Compact beginning
1- Companies must support and respect the internationally recognised protection of fundamental human rights within their working areas.
The initiative
Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death in developed countries and constitute a public health problem. Furthermore, it has been proven that expert patients have improved responsibility over their health.
MútuaTerrassa manages nine primary healthcare centres and four clinics located in different towns. These healthcare providers receive on average 4,000 consultations per day.
We aim to design and implement a program to help change habits and modify attitudes, involvements and beliefs at the benefit of individuals and society as a whole. The project is based on group actions and uses new technology and social networks. It is also based on patient-healthcare staff collaborations and the active participation of patient mentors. The end objective is to reduce the increase of cardiovascular diseases. -
- Self-management of health.
- Improve people’s understanding.
- Encourage healthy habits.
- Good use of healthcare services.
- Social participation in healthcare processes.
Patients with chronic diseases and cardiovascular risk factors.
Patient groups 8
Trained patients 840
Patient mentors 2010 16 2015 28
Nurses 17
Evolution 2011 68 2012 132 2013 176 2014 200 2015 156