Social fund for the reimbursement of fees

Social fund for the reimbursement of fees

Beginning date January 2015

Involved areas/team

L'Asseguradora Mútua Terrassa MPS


The goal is to cover personal risks of our members in unexpected cases of unemployment or temporary disability by reimbursing fees that must be paid during said cases at no cost to our members.

Global Compact beginning

2- Companies must ensure that with their activities they do not violate human rights.

The initiative

  • Justification

    Certain unexpected situations (temporary disability or unemployment) make it temporarily difficult to ensure individual insurance payments.

  • Description

    With this initiative, Asseguradora will provide a sum of €50,000
    (for the whole of Mutuality), at the beginning of each fiscal year to reimburse the fees that MútuaTerrassa members pay when they are unemployed against their willpower and for reasons out of their control or in the event of temporary disability for freelancers.

  • Goals

    • Contribute to the social protection of our members and insured persons via a CSR programme.
    • Reinforce the retention and loyalty of our members, enrolees and beneficiaries while improving the groups’ brand image.

  • Beneficiary

    • MútuaTerrassa members
    • People who are unemployed or with temporary disability and are insured by one of our insurance plans: Mútua Salut, Mútua Protecció, Personal Protection Plan or Social Safeguards for Temporary Disability. With a maximum annual coverage per mutualist of € 1,000

  • Results

    139 eligible members.
    39.670 euros reimbursed.

    85 eligible members.
    30.934 euros reimbursed.

    93 eligible members.
    30.562 euros reimbursed.