
Dr. Empar Álvarez gives guidelines to the readers of Diari Terrassa and the digital newspaper Món Terrassa to take care of our hearts

She is a cardiologist at Àptima Center Clínic and the Cardiology Service of HUMT.

Under the title "What can we do for the health of our heart", Diari Terrassa published - on Saturday, November 4 - a story about the importance of caring for the heart with healthy lifestyles as a driving organ of the body . Dr. Empar Álvarez intervened contributing her knowledge in this matter.

In this sense, she talks about the convenience of avoiding risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes or obesity, since they can accelerate the process of degeneration of the arteries. Dr. Alvarez also exposes the need to follow a healthy diet, practice sports as well as integrate physical exercise into the daily life of each person.

The cardiologist also refers to the importance that each person can "ensure" their health by becoming aware of the need to do prevention to prevent disease and finally calls for the Administration also take an active role when adopting policies that favor the health of the population. In this sense, it concludes "promoting a healthy life must be an attitude shared by the individual, health professionals and the administration".

For its part, the digital newspaper Món Terrassa published a video piece on Guidelines and tips for good heart-healthy health, which has had a reach of 6,108 people, with 17 Interactions and 78 clicks on the publication.

As in previous conferences of the "Dijous de Mútua" the recording of the conference was also made through the facebook-live that has reached more than 3,000 people with 1,974 reproductions and 45 Interactions.

To see the entire report and videos published click on the following links:
Report "What can we do for the health of our hearts", published in the Diario de Terrassa

Conference "Take care of your heart-healthy health" through the Facebook live of Món Terrassa