
September 2024


Past events

  • 27 September 2018

    Dijous de Mútua: I have been diagnosed with fatty liver: what is it?

    Sala MútuaTerrassa Edifici Docent - Sant Antoni, 39 - Terrassa - Dijous de Mútua

    Next Thursday, September 27, at 6:00 pm in the MútuaTerrassa Teaching Building, a new edition of Dijous de Mutua will be held, under the title: "I have been diagnosed with fatty liver: what is it?", Which will be borne by of Dr. Diana Huerta, physician of the Digestive System Service of the MútuaTerrassa University Hospital.

    The conferences are free and do not require prior confirmation.

    We wait for you!

  • 26 September 2018

    New edition of the ADIR course

    Sala MútuaTerrassa Edifici Docent - Sant Antoni, 39 - Terrassa - Scientific events

    Between September 26 and 28, the teaching building will host a new edition of the training, research and clinical accreditation course on ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised) organized by the Children and Youth Psychiatry Unit of Mútua Terrassa University Hospital (HUMT ).

    As in the past editions, the direction of this course will be borne by Dr. Amaia Hervás, psychiatrist and coordinator of the Unit. Dr. Hervás is a national and international reference in the formation of these diagnostic tools ADI-R and ADOS2 by the University of London (UK), Newcastle University (UK) and Cornell University New York (USA) .

  • 26 September 2018

    2nd edition of the ADI-R course (Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised)

    Sala MútuaTerrassa Edifici Docent - Sant Antoni, 39 - Terrassa - Scientific events

    Between September 26 and 28, the teaching building will host a new edition of the training, research and clinical accreditation course on ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised) organized by the Children and Youth Psychiatry Unit of Mútua Terrassa University Hospital (HUMT ).

    As in the past editions, the direction of this course will be borne by Dr. Amaia Hervás, psychiatrist and coordinator of the Unit. Dr. Hervás is a national and international reference in the formation of these diagnostic tools ADI-R and ADOS2 by the University of London (UK), Newcastle University (UK) and Cornell University New York (USA) .

  • 20 September 2018

    Start of the cycle of conferences "Ets a prop de saber-ne més" in St. Cugat

    Primera planta de la Casa de Cultura dels Jardins del Monestir de St. Cugat (C/ Castellví, s/n) - Scientific events

    Conceived with the idea of ​​disseminating current health topics and informing in an understandable way about everything that worries society, comes the cycle of conferences "Ets a prop de saber-ne més" in St. Cugat, which will be in charge of professionals from Optimal Clinic Center MútuaTerrassa.

    The inauguration of the conferences will be next Thursday, September 20 and includes the celebration of a total of 3. These are organized jointly by the City of Sant Cugat del Vallés and Àptima Clinical Center and will take place at 6:00 p.m. on the first floor of the House of Culture of the Gardens of the Monastery of St. Cugat (C / Castellví, s / n).

    The inaugural conference is titled "Obesity and overweight, how to recover the quality of life." and will be the responsibility of Dr. Salvadora Delgado, specialist in bariatric surgery of Àptima Centro Clínico MútuaTerrassa and Mrs. Nuria López and Mrs. Montse Ibarra, dietitians of Àptima Centro Clínico. In this sense, and with the purpose of approaching this topic with maximum depth and from the point of view of various specialties.

  • 28 June 2018

    Breastfeeding is health! Support in MútuaTerrassa

    Sala MútuaTerrassa Edifici Docent - Sant Antoni, 39 - Terrassa - Scientific events

    Next Thursday, May 28, at 6:00 pm in the Teaching building of MútuaTerrassa, a new edition of Dijous de Mutua will take place under the title: "Breastfeeding is health! Support in MútuaTerrassa", which will be given by Mrs. Esther Guerrero, Pediatric Nurse and Member of the Breastfeeding Committee of MútuaTerrassa.

    The conferences are free and do not require prior confirmation.

    We wait for you!

  • 28 June 2018

    - Scientific events