
September 2024


Past events

  • 10 May 2018

    Food: how to avoid overweight and prevent diseases

    Sala MútuaTerrasssa - Edifici docent - Carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    Next Thursday, April 26 , at 6:00 pm in the MútuaTerrassa teaching building, a new edition of Dijous de Mútua will be held under the title: " Food: how to avoid overweight and prevent diseases ", which will be led by Dr. M. José Barahona, head of the endocrinology service and Mrs. Montse Ibarra, nurse coordinator dietitian-nutritionist MútuaTerrassa.

    This is the first conference to be held within the 2018 cycle.

    The conferences are free and do not require prior confirmation.

    We wait for you!

  • 02 May 2018

    All ready for the first edition of this year's course on Autism Diagnostic Observational Schedule

    Sala MútuaTerrasssa - Edifici docent - Carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    As in past editions, the organization will be in charge of the Child and Juvenile Psychiatry Unit of HUMT and Dr. Amaia Hervás, psychiatrist and coordinator of the unit, will be in charge of directing it. It will take place on May 2, 3 and 4.

    Dr. Hervás is a national and international reference in the training in these tools for the diagnosis of ASD and accredited trainer in the diagnostic interview ADOS by Cornell University New York (USA) and the University of London - New Castle (UK) (Prof. A. LeCouteur and Prof. M. Rutter).

  • 27 April 2018

    Course of asepsis: Prevention and treatment of infections in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (COT)

    Sala MútuaTerrasssa - Edifici docent - Carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    This course is designed to disseminate knowledge about asepsis and prophylaxis measures for the prevention of infections of the surgical site, as well as to optimize the treatment if they occur.

    The course is aimed at:

    • Health personnel involved in the processes of TOC, in the different areas of action: hospitalization, operating room and outpatient care
    • residents of TOC and anesthesiology
    • Health professionals in the hospitalization units and surgical block
    • other professionals related to the process
    • Industry personnel and suppliers.

      During the course, topics such as: knowledge of epidemiology and the impact of infections on TOC, aseptic measures, prevention in pre, intra and postoperative phase and its treatment, identification of risk factors, correct realization, procedures to prevent infections and awareness of the importance of prevention measures.

  • 26 April 2018

    The Coloproctology Unit begins the fourth edition of the training course in sacred neuromodulation 2018/19

    Sala Egara- Edifici docent - Carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    The Coloproctology Unit of the General Surgery Service of the MútuaTerrassa University Hospital will hold the 4th edition of the course on Sacral Neurostimulation in pelvic floor dysfunctions, which will end in November 2019.

    This course begins with a basic workshop that will take place next Thursday, April 26, and is aimed primarily at colorectal surgeons interested in starting to use this treatment (those who contemplate specific training on the indications, the surgical technique and assistance to the operating room to visualize different live surgeries).

    The novelty of this edition lies in the realization of two types of new workshops: an intermediate one aimed at professionals who have begun treatment in their centers and have done the basic workshop, as well as the completion of another workshop for referees, aimed at professionals from other disciplines such as gynecology, digestion and primary care.

    As in the past editions, the direction of the course is responsability of Dr. Arantxa Muñoz, doctor of colorrectal unit.

  • 25 April 2018

    VIII Conference on Gender Violence

    Sala MútuaTerrassa Edifici Docent - Sant Antoni, 39 - Terrassa - Scientific events

    The next 8th of March will take place the VIII Jornade gender violence that this year will be focused from a practical and participatory point of view to highlight the real experience of women recovered after living a situation of sexist violence, their beliefs, values ​​and difficulties to overcome it and the experience of the professionals who accompany them.

    For more information and registration enter:

  • 20 April 2018

    The Patient Safety Commission presents the Care for the Second Victims guide

    Sala MútuaTerrasssa - Edifici docent - Carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    Next Friday, April 20, the Patient Safety Day will be held with the aim of publicizing the Care Guide for Second Victims, a tool conceived with the idea of ​​supporting professionals who are involved in a severe adverse event in the patient. The presentation will take place at 8.30 in the teaching building.

    It is foreseen that Dr. Carles Fontcuberta, manager of the MútuaTerrassa Assistance Service Area, Mr. Carles García, corporate director of Human Resources of the entity and Ms. Núria Freixas, president of the Commission for Patient Safety of MutuaTerrassa

    In addition, the day will also include the participation of Dr. Elena Carreras, president of the Catalan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology and chief of service of Gynecology and Obstetrics University Hospital Vall d'Hebron. He will deliver the lecture "The Patient Safety Model at Vall d'Hebrón University Hospital".