
September 2024


Past events

  • 24 November 2017

    I Jornada sobre l’ús de medicaments en la continuïtat assistencial - La desprescripció en la societat medicalitzada

    Sala MútuaTerrasssa - Edifici docent - Carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    El comitè Assistencial de Farmàcia internivells de MútuaTerrassa i el Servei de Farmàcia del Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa organitzen, el proper divendres 24 de novembre, la I Jornada sobre l’ús de medicaments en la continuïtat assistencial: "la desprescripció en la societat medicalitzada".

    Dita jornada està dirigida a facultatius d'Atenció primària i hospital amb l’objectiu de continuar formant els professionals que treballen en aquest àmbit per tal que pugin actualitzar els seus coneixements i proporcionar una millora continuada.

  • 24 November 2017

    The MútuaTerrassa Teaching and Research Foundation organizes the 4th scientific day under the title "Microbiome and Human Health"

    Sala MútuaTerrasssa - Edifici docent - Carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    It will have the participation of Dr. Didier Raoult, renowned French microbiologist specialized in infectious diseases.

    Next Friday, November 24, the MútuaTerrassa Teaching and Research Foundation will hold the fourth edition of the scientific day that organizes periodically with the purpose of highlighting its scientific and research work. On this occasion, the chosen theme is the microbiome (the set of microorganisms that inhabit the human body, taking into account their genomes and their interrelation with the organism) and human health.

    The session includes a workshop around the Microbiota that will take place between 11 and 1pm. In this sense, it will be addressed from three different prisms: "Microbiota and antibiotic resistance", by Dr. Jordi Vila of the Microbiology Service of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, ​​"Microbiota and inflammatory bowel disease", by Dr. Francisco Guarner of the Digestive Service of the Vall d'Hebrón Hospital in Barcelona and "Microbiota and HIV infection", by Dr. Roger Paredes of the Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol and of the IrsiCaixa de Badalona.

  • 23 November 2017

    Dijous de Salut - Practice sports with guarantees: the importance of medical check-ups

    Casa de Cultura - Carrer de Castellví s/n (Jardins del Monestir) - 08172 Sant Cugat - Scientific events

    Next Thursday, November 23, will take place the last conference of the cycle of the Dijous of Salut in Sant Cugat of this year 2017, which will be entitled: "Practice sports with guarantees: the importance of medical reviews", and will go to charge of Dr. Santiago Sabatés, traumatologist, and Dr. Jordi Gibert, specialist in Sports Medicine, both doctors from Àptima Center Clínic MútuaTerrassa and COTCAT.

    On this occasion, the conference will focus on the importance of conducting strict medical reviews and tests, by specialists in Sports Medicine, to obtain accurate information to practice sports with guarantees and safety.

    We are waiting for you at the Casa de la Cultura of Sant Cugat, at six o'clock on Thursday, November 23rd.

  • 16 November 2017

    6th International Workshop on the Treatment of Hepatic and Lung Metastases and Peritoneal Carcinomatosis of Colorectal Carcinoma

    Hotel NH Barcelona Constanza St/ Deu i Mata, 69-99. 08029 Barcelona (Spain) - Scientific events

    Els propers 16 i 17 de novembre se celebrarà el 6th International Workshop on the Treatment of Hepatic and Lung Metastases and Peritoneal Carcinomatosis of Colorectal Carcinoma, sota l'organització dels Serveis d'Oncologia i Hematologia, Cirurgia Toràcica i Cirurgia Hepato-Bilio-Pancreàtica de l'Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (HUMT). En el transcurs d'aquest congrés es tractaran les aproximacions i actualitzacions més recents en el tractament de pacients amb càncer de còlon i recte afectats per metàstasis al fetge, pulmó i per primera vegada s’ha inclòs en aquest workshop el tractament de carcinomatois peritoneal.

    La inauguració del workshop serà el dijous 16 a les 11.00h a l'Hotel NH Barcelona Constanza i aplegarà a especialistes internacionals i nacionals amb un plantejament multidisciplinar (oncòlegs, cirurgians, radiòlegs,..) amb l'objectiu d'actualitzar els últims avenços en cada una d'aquestes especialitats.

  • 16 November 2017

    - Scientific events

  • 13 November 2017

    The Birth day conference

    Sala MútuaTerrasssa - Edifici docent - Carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    Next Monday, November 13, at 5.30 pm, will be held in the MútuaTerrassa room of the Teaching Building, located on Sant Antoni street, 39 Terrassa, the session The day of childbirth.

    These are talks where it is presented as is the space and what is what that special day will live a mother when entering the Delivery Room of the University Hospital MútuaTerrassa. These talks will be in charge of the midwifes of MútuaTerrassa.