
September 2024


Past events

  • 09 November 2017

    The Coloproctology Unit organizes an international workshop on sacred neuromodulation

    Sala MútuaTerrasssa - Edifici docent - Carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    The Coloproctology Unit of the General Surgery Service will organize, for the next 9 and 10 November, an international training workshop on Sacral Neuromodulation in pelvic floor dysfunctions in conjunction with Medtronic laboratories.

    HUMT has been chosen as the third training center in Europe, together with a hospital in Erlangen (southern Germany) and one in Antwerpen (Belgium) to train international assistants in this treatment. In this sense, the participants are from Europe and Asia and are expected to be around 25, a suitable volume for this format of training, which includes theoretical sessions, discussion, two live surgeries and a practice in corpses that are will take place in the Department of Anatomy of the UB (Bellvitge Hospital).

  • 02 November 2017

    The next "Dijous de Mútua" conference, focusing on guidelines and advice for cardio-healthy health, postponed until November 2

    Sala MútuaTerrasssa - Edifici docent - Carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    It was originally scheduled for Thursday, October 26. It will be given by Dr. Èmpar Álvarez, cardiologist from Àptima Centre Clínic MútuaTerrassa

    Next Thursday, November 2, the building will host the sixth conference of the cycle Dijous de Mutua, which will discuss the importance of having heart health. Under the title "Take care of cardio-health", it will be celebrated as always at 6:00 p.m.

    In this sense, Dr. Èmpar Álvarez will speak about the importance of knowing the most frequent cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, lipid disorders, obesity, sedentary life, diabetes mellitus and will provide tools to contribute to improving the health and well-being of people.

    During the conference, Dr. Álvarez will also make reference to the pyramid of healthy eating, the Mediterranean diet, physical exercise and provide advice to enjoy good emotional health, all with the will to prevent diseases cardiovascular diseases that are the main cause of mortality in developed countries.

  • 02 November 2017

    The health of the pelvic floor will focus the second conference of the cycle "Dijous de Salut" of St. Cugat

    Casa de Cultura - Carrer de Castellví s/n (Jardins del Monestir) - 08172 Sant Cugat - Scientific events

    It will be held next Thursday, November 2

    Conceived with the idea of ​​disseminating current health issues and informing in an understandable way about everything that worries society, on October 5 the sixth edition of the cycle of conferences "Dijous de Salut" was inaugurated. The second, under the title "Women's pelvic floor health: how to avoid dysfunctions" is ready and will be held next Thursday, November 2 at the Casa de Cultura de los Jardines del Monasterio of St. Cugat (C / Castellví, s / n).

    In this case will be the responsibility of Dr. Gonzalo Baya, gynecologist of the Pelvic Floor Unit of the Center Clinic MútuaTerrassa Sant Cugat, and will address - as of 18h - the basic knowledge of what is the pelvic floor and how it works. He will also talk about the different pathologies that are derived like urinary incontinence (of effort and urgency), prolapse or fall of bladder, rectum or matrix, gas or faecal incontinence and recurrent urinary tract infections.

  • 27 October 2017

    Tuberculosis in the Everything that can be known about the disease through literature

    Sala MútuaTerrasssa - Edifici docent - Carrer de Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    Next Friday, October 27, at 8:30 a.m., the conference "La tuberculosis la novela: Everything that can be learned about the disease through literature" will be held in the MútuaTerrassa Teaching Building.
    This conference will be led by Dr. Josep Roig, Chief Clinical Surgeon and Head of the Esophagogastric Surgery Unit of the Josep Trueta Hospital in Girona.

    Dr. Roig will show a vision on the medical, human and social reality of tuberculosis patients through the European novel of the second half of the 19th century and the first of the 20th century. It is an accurate and reliable investigation of the pathological descriptions contained in literary works when they appear tuberculosis patients, the fidelity of the surgical procedures and of the referred medical therapies and the doctor-patient relationship.

  • 26 October 2017

    - Scientific events

  • 24 October 2017

    - Scientific events