
September 2024


Past events

  • 28 September 2017

    - Scientific events

  • 20 September 2017

    Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

    Sala MútuaTerrassa Edifici Docent - Sant Antoni, 39 - Terrassa - Scientific events

    Organitzat per:
    Dra. Amaia Hervás, metge psiquiatra i coordinadora de la Unitat de psiquiatria infantil i juvenil de l'Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa

  • 18 September 2017

    - Scientific events

  • 10 July 2017

    Conference on The day of birth

    Sala MútuaTerrasssa - Edifici docent - Calle Sant Antoni, 39 de Terrassa - Scientific events

    The next Monday, July 10 at 5:30 pm, will take place in the MútuaTerrassa Room in the Teaching Building, located on 39, Sant Antoni Street, in Terrassa, the session "The day of childbirth".

    These are conferences that show how is the space and what is what that special day will live a mother when entering in the Delivery Room of the Hospital Universitario MútuaTerrassa. These conferences will be in charge of the midwife of MútuaTerrassa.

  • 29 June 2017

    Diabetic foot units: What are they for?

    MútuaTerrasssa Room - Teaching Building - 39, Sant Antoni Street, Terrassa - Scientific events

    The auditorium of the Teaching Building will host the next Thursday, June 29 at 6:00 PM, a new conference on the cycle of Dijous Mutua 2017, which will address the main functionalities of the Diabetic Foot Units - and will focus on the particularities of the HUMT. Will be in charge of Dr. Josep Royo, chief of the Vascular Surgery Service, Dr. Josep Torrent, physician of Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery Service(TOC) and Ms. Teresa Huguet, podiatrist of the HUMT Diabetic Foot Unit.

    With a trajectory of more than 10 years, the Unit of Diabetic Foot of the HUMT agglutinates different professionals who participate in the same clinical process with the purpose of giving a better assistance, to diminish the number of amputations in the diabetic patients and their physical complications and personal informations.

  • 28 June 2017

    Doctoral Thesis Defense of Mrs. Vanessa Pascual

    MútuaTerrasssa Room - Teaching Building - 39, Sant Antoni Street, Terrassa - Scientific events

    Next Wednesday, June 28 at 12.00 , the doctoral thesis defense of Mrs. Vanessa Pascual will take place in the Teaching Building, with the title: "Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Clinical Overview of Infections Caused by Escherichia coli AMP C Producer"

    This thesis is directed by Dr. Esther Calbo, physician of the Internal Medicine Service and president of the Infectious Diseases Commission of MútuaTerrassa and Dr. Xavier Garau, medical director of Rotger Quirón Salud Clinic(Mallorca), and his tutor has Dr. Alejandro de la Sierra, chief of the Internal Medicine Service of the HUMT.

    The court will be composed of Dr. Montserrat Giménez Pérez, a physician from the Microbiology Service and responsible for the area of ​​Systemic and Nosocomial Infection at the German Trias i Pujol Hospital in Badalona, ​​who will serve as President, Dr. Carolina Garcia Vidal, physician of the Infectious Diseases Service of the Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge, who will serve as Secretary, and Dr. Ssantiago Grau, chief of the Pharmacy Service of the Hospital de Mar, who will serve as a member.