News conversation with Dr. Fernández Bañares about celiac disease

On May 27, the National Day of the Celiac was celebrated and coinciding with this event, the journalist Rocío Gil interviewed Dr. Fernández Bañares with the intention of reviewing this disorder and delving into various aspects such as its prevalence, causes or symptoms.

Apart from these questions, Dr. Fernández Bañares addressed the mechanisms to identify the disease and also referred to the population at risk. In this sense he called the problems of digestive, gynecological, genetic and referred to people with autoimmune diseases, children and adolescents who have growth difficulties and in those who look like Down syndrome.

In terms of diagnosis, he pointed to the four indicators that are currently used to identify this disorder -imptomatology, blood analysis, genetic study and intestinal biopsy as well as the tests. Finally, regarding the treatment, Dr. Fernández Bañares spoke about the urgent need to remove "rigorously" gluten from the diet and be strict when handling food or going to restaurants.

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