
Dr. Esteve explains the latest milestones of the HUMT Digestive System service at Diario Terrassa

The incorporation - last January - of the research group led by Dr. María Esteve in the Center for Biomedical Research in Network-Hepatic and Digestive Diseases (CIBERehd), the accreditation of the Intestinal Inflammatory Disease Unit (IBD) received in March and the publication - last month - of two articles in the American Journal of Gastroenterology are the most important milestones reached in the course of this year by the Digestive System of HUMT.

In order to deepen all these issues, the Terrassa Journal will interview Dr. Esteve, head of the service. In the course of the interview, in addition to highlighting the implications of these milestones -for own service and by extension for all of her patients-, Dr. Esteve spoke about intestinal inflammatory diseases, the need to consolidate good eating habits, the main differences between adults and children with respect to celiac disease, as well as the willingness of the service to work so that all citizens have equity in access to basic services, among others.