
An investigation on celiaquía of the Foundation Teaching and Research MútuaTerrassa receives the first scholarship "Celíacs de Catalunya"

The Association Celíacs de Catalunya has recently awarded the first scholarship "Celíacs de Catalunya" to a research project of the Teaching and Research Foundation MútuaTerrassa focused on the validation of biomarkers of mild celiac disease to improve the diagnosis and led by Dr. Fernández Bañares.

The aforementioned project derives from a large study aimed at the search for biomarkers of celiac disease and in which two omic disciplines were integrated: proteomics and metabolomics. He was awarded the VIII Prize for Basic and Applied Research on Celiac Disease of the Association of Celiacs of Madrid granted last 2010 and also received an aid for research of the Fund of Sanitary Research, Instituto Carlos III in 2013.

This help allowed the methodology to be developed for the metabolite and protein analysis and to initiate the recruitment of patients and the analysis of the first samples. Subsequently, with the help of the FIS (PI13 / 02499), the integrated OMIC study was further developed and focused on the search for biomarkers to identify the forms of enteropathy due to celiac disease.

As for the hypotheses, the research shows that the protein profile discovered in the biomarker study in the duodenal tissue secretoma allows to diagnose Marsh 1 type lesions of celiac origin without waiting for the response of a gluten-free diet; The plasma levels of these proteins and their immunohistochemical expression in tissue will help to make the differential diagnosis between celiac disease, other types of enteropathy and sensitivity to non-celiac gluten. However, proteins have been detected that are associated with the presence of villous atrophy and that would allow to diagnose it of celiac cause and monitor the response to the diet without gluten given its correlation with the degree of atrophy.

With this grant, labor researchers want to develop ELISA techniques to assess the usefulness of these blood biomarkers. The Celiac Association of Catalonia aims to show its support and recognition to people working in the search for these diseases and for this reason has endowed this project with a grant of € 6,000. Its will is to promote the development of the knowledge of these pathologies, to improve the methods of diagnosis and socially spread the reality of these disorders.