
Press releases

You can consult the latest news, press releases and information regarding MútuaTerrassa in our press room.

Telephone number for MútuaTerrassa Corporate Communication, PR and Protocol: +34 93 736 50 24

Contact the Communication Department

93 736 50 24
Sant Antoni, 32
08221 Terrassa

  • 12/06/2015 - The Vic insurance office has been entirely remodelled

    In order to strengthen the presence of Asseguradora MútuaTerrassa in the central region of Catalonia and as part of the merger with Mutualitat Previsora Barcelona, on Saturday 13 June, an inauguration will take place to celebrate the complete remodelling of the insurance office in the town of Vic.

  • 03/06/2015 - 7th workshop on sacral neuromodulation in pelvic floor dysfunction

    On Thursday 4 June, the 7th workshop will be held, which is part of a series of 8 theoretical-practical workshops that together make up the second edition (2014-2015) of the course on sacral neuromodulation in pelvic floor dysfunction. The workshop is intended for professionals who directly deal with patients who have this dysfunction and who are candidates for sacral neuromodulation treatment.

  • 28/05/2015 - Challenges in polytraumatic patients

    Refresher course on the treatment of hepatic, pancreatic and duodenal lesions in polytraumatic patients. The last part of the course will feature a symposium titled “Injuries from human pyramids”.

  • 28/05/2015 - The desire to be a mother: Conditioning factors of fertility

    On this occasion, Dr. Francesc Fàbregues, who has more than 20 years’ experience in assisted reproduction, will discuss the different epidemiological aspects that condition fertility and will paint a picture of what the future for fertility and natality will look like in Spain over the next few years.

  • 28/05/2015 - Refresher course on pulmonology

    The course is made up of two sessions, each consisting of four talks and a final discussion. The first session will be led by Dr. Heredia and Dr. Montserrat Llordés, consulting physician at Terrassa Sud primary healthcare centre, and the second session will be led by Dr. Barreiro and Dr. Montserrat Gavagnach, consulting physician at the Valldoreix primary healthcare centre.

  • 27/05/2015 - Call for a press conference, grand opening of MútuaTerrassa Casa Vapor Gran, a new nursing home for the elderly

    The MútuaTerrassa Casa Vapor Gran nursing home is now a reality and will open its doors in early June.

  • 27/05/2015 - Casa Vapor Gran grand opening

    The MútuaTerrassa Casa Vapor Gran nursing home is now a reality and will open its doors in early June. The announcement was made this morning by Mr. Francesc Puig, director of the Medical and Social Services Strategy Unit of MútuaTerrassa, and Ms Isabel Reneses, director of MútuaTerrassa Casa Vapor Gran.

  • 27/05/2015 - The desire to be a mother: Conditioning factors of fertility

    On this occasion, Dr. Francesc Fàbregues, who has more than 20 years’ experience in assisted reproduction, will discuss the different epidemiological aspects that condition fertility and will paint a picture of what the future for fertility and natality will look like in Spain over the next few years.

  • 22/05/2015 - Conference on haematogenous osteoarticular infection

    On Friday 22 May, the Sepsis Unit in the Orthopaedic Surgery and Trauma Department of MútuaTerrassa University Hospital is organising a scientific conference on the multidisciplinary approach to haematogenous osteoarticular infection. It will be held in the Edifici Docent of MútuaTerrassa.

  • 21/05/2015 - MútuaTerrassa celebrates its welcome and farewell event for residents

    This year, 43 residents will begin their training period at MútuaTerrassa while 40 will finish up their residency.