
132 professionals of the entity successfully complete the Postgraduate in Leadership of MútuaTerrassa

Last Thursday, June 21, the ceremony of delivery of the postgraduate diplomas was held, which aims to develop the skills of professionals and equip them with the right tools to carry out successfully the command function, enhancing it and Aligning it with the values ​​of the entity.

The welcome was in charge of Mrs. Dolores Puig, director of Euncet Business School (center attached to the Polytechnic University of Catalonia) and then intervened Mr. Xavier Marcet, professor of the center and president of the consultancy specialized in strategic innovation Lead to Change. He gave the conference "New Leaderships for a New Management" and immediately afterwards, the diplomas were awarded to all the participants of the program.

Then two of them, Dr. José Trenado-chief of the Intensive Care Service of the HUMT of the Scope of Care Service-and Ms. Maica Ruiz -director of the Homes Triginta Residences and Casa Marqués Mental Health of the Sociosanitari- , they carried out a parliament in representation of the group of students.

The closing of the act was in charge of Dr. Esteve Picola, general director of MútuaTerrassa, who thanked all those present for the effort and dedication and encouraged them to work with the learned methodologies.

Four years of leadership training

The postgraduate course in leadership began in 2014 under the professors Xavier Orozco and Helena Agramunt, both from the consultancy Organicactions and experts in organic leadership.

Up to the present 132 controllers have participated. At the end of the year, 158 people will have been trained, all the managers of the entity, and from next year it is planned to give continuity to the postgraduate and train the new managers who can join the function.

The program is totally transversal, an aspect that has been strengthened by forming groups of participants from the different Service Areas and Corporate Directions, which has allowed to establish synergies and ensure a homogeneous vision in the management of people and leadership style.