
The radio program "Sant Cugat a fons" of interviews the dietician Montse Ibarra

The morning magazine "Sant Cugat a fons" on Monday, June 12, invited Ms. Montse Ibarra, dietician of MútuaTerrassa, to speak to the listeners of radio about the importance of healthy diet and Convenience of knowing the role of fats in our body not to criminalize them but also to make an abuse.

Conducted by the journalist Carmen Reverte, the program reserved the space of the in-depth interview with Ms. Ibarra, who referred to the types of fats in the products we consume more assiduously and the need to do more pedagogy on the composition of food so that the population can understand it in a more didactic way.

Ibarra recalled why fat is important for our body and in this sense stressed that blue fish and olive oil are foods with healthy fats for our body. As an introduction to the interview, the study "Food information: ethical and legal-political issues" with its author and member of the Observatory of Bioethics and Law of the University of Barcelona, ​​Maria José Plana, was also published.

Listen the wohole interview to Sra. Montse Ibarra in the programm "Sant Cugat a fons"