
The service of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of HUMT, awarded …
Held in Palma de Mallorca from 15 to 16 June, the Scientific Committee of the 19th edition of the National Congress of the Spanish Society of Hip Surgery (SECC) …

The radio program "Sant Cugat a fons" of interviews the …
The morning magazine "Sant Cugat a fons" on Monday, June 12, invited Ms. Montse Ibarra, dietician of MútuaTerrassa, to speak to the listeners of …

Dr. Trenado and Dr. Martí participate in a report of the newspaper …
Dr. José Trenado, Head of the Intensive Medicine Service of the HUMT and member of the Transplant Coordination Team and Dr. Josep Maria Martí, Head of the …

La revista Neurourology and Urodynamics publica un article escrit per …
La prestigiosa revista Neurourology and Urodynamics ha publicat recentment un article sobre ecografia de sòl pelvià i part escrit per la Unitat de Sòl Pelvià …

Canal Terrassa's "La nit dels savis" program invites Dr. Samarra to …
Speaking and discussing everything that surrounds the group of the elderly is the objective of the television program "La nit dels savis", which is broadcast …

The Vallparadís MútuaTerrassa Foundation, recognized in Dublin at …
The work in question is about the direct circuit created between the residence Casa Vapor Gran and the Unit of Subagudos de Sociosanitario Vallparadís.